Sunday, November 18, 2012


2nd night in Channel Islands transient slip.  No internet, yes I admit it is an addiction, but meeting new people heading south is nice.  Last night a Bristol 27 named Sacred Dance pulled in with 3 young crew onboard.  They too are heading South, Mexico, maybe South America.  Two guys and a girl, I can imagine her parents reaction, “you are going to MEXICO, on a small BOAT with your boyfriend and his friend?????!!!! Maybe when you are younger you can get away with it easier, we are at an age where we should know better.

Weather is not optimal, so we are waiting another day or 2 before heading out.  Trying to decide if we want to just harbor hop, or do another overnighter to Catalina, then on to San Diego.  While calculating, I see Thanksgiving is just 6 days away.  One of the questions is, where do you want to spend Thanksgiving.  Well, I know where I REALLY want to spend Thanksgiving, but we just left and can’t really justify a trip home quite yet.  DEEP SIGH. 


  1. We had our Thanksgiving on the Island. It wasn't eventful. On 11/19 I saw farmer Jim and his son at Spindrift. He was very happy to know that you and Marcus are safe and well.
    Happy Thanksgiving to you guys.

  2. I'm sure it was wonderful! Say hi to all for us!
